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    [会展号]  发布时间:2021/6/30 17:34:08  浏览:17106次
    今天是2024年4月16日 星期二 这里是2022北京国际物联网展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展览之窗提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展览之窗祝您参展愉快!






    物联网应用解决方案: 智慧城市、智慧农业、智慧政务、智慧民生、智慧社区、智慧物流、智慧医疗、智能制造、智能安防、智慧水务、智慧环保,监控、水/电/气/热抄表、可穿戴产品、零售及老人/小孩/宠物追踪,车载导航/视频监控,汽车信息管理;、监狱人员定位、工业人员及物品设备跟踪定位、智能仓储、叉车及物资定位、港口码头货物及人员定位、地质灾害、滑坡定位监测、车载导航、商业客流大数据分析营销、无人机、机器人等领域●系统集成和物联网中间件:网络集成、多功能集成、软硬件操作界面基础软件、操作系统、应用软件等产品

    网络层产品: 通讯技术及通讯模组产品、核心控制芯片及嵌入式芯片产品、定位技术及周边产品、云技术、大数据、网络安全、网络层解决方案

    感知层产品: 二维码标签和识读器、RFID标签和读写器、摄像头、GPS、M2M终端、传感器及传感器网关产品、生物识别及人脸识别产品、感知层解决方案

    大数据、云计算及信息安全展区: 大数据、云计算技术与设备;通讯技术与产品、安全服务、物理安全产品、网络安全系统、点击病毒、通信安全、应用安全、物理安全、安全管理、加密技术、安全支付、访问控制、灾难存储、取证技术

    智慧停车及车联网展区: 车联网、信息采集技术、交通信息平台、数据管理与分析挖掘、政府决策支持、交通信息服务、枢纽客流与物流信息、城市公共交通管理、交通管理与执法、道路交通安全、高速公路机电系统、电子收费、智能公路与车辆安全、智能停车场产品

    智慧生活展区: 智慧物业管理、智慧养老服务、智慧教育、智能硬件、智能家居、智能生活科技、智能家电、智能空气净化器等产品;

    虚拟与增强现实展区: 头戴式设备、控制器、头盔、视频语音系统、3D扫描打印系统、全景摄像、VR游戏、虚拟内容等产品

    人工智能展区: 服务类机器人、机器人配件、智能智造技术及服务、机器人核心技术等

    "2020 Asia International Internet of Things Exhibition" this conference mainly focuses on the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence overview, development status and future trends, invited well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad, government leaders, business elites to carry out extensive and heated discussions. Officially released exhibition information to the world, invited the global Internet of Things intelligent field enterprises to participate in the exhibition.

    In recent years, the Internet of Things, as a new factor of production, has fully integrated with economy and society, injected new vitality into economic growth, accelerated the process of globalization and changes in economic patterns. Developing smart cities has become a global consensus. In China, the rapid economic development based on Internet of Things technology and the Internet platform as an important carrier has been strongly supported by the Chinese government. The vigorous development of the Internet of Things requires a high-quality, high-spec communication platform, display platform and promotion platform, and the Asian Internet of Things Expo is timely.

    In the context of the country's promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative, strengthen the Belt and Road International Resources, unify ideas, and implement the Belt and Road Economic Strategy "Made in China 2025" to formulate the "Internet Plus" action plan, promote the integration of the Internet, cloud computing, big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other smart cities, and promote the all-round development of smart cities. The 14th Asian International Internet of Things Exhibition (AIOTE) will be held in Beijing, China from June 30 to July 02, 2020.

    It is reported that the 2020 Asia International Internet of Things Exhibition area is expected to reach 35,000 square meters, preset international standard booths 1500, will adapt to the actual needs of the development of the Internet of Things, closely combined with the latest international and domestic technology, products, services, business models, around the Internet of Things to optimize lifestyle, management, production mode, highlighting the manufacturing field intelligent, networked, digital construction, follow the Internet of Things industry chain layout ideas, highlight the latest scientific and technological achievements, scientific and reasonable layout. 2020AIOTE will be divided into ten thematic exhibition areas, including RFID technology and smart card exhibition area, smart city exhibition area, system integration exhibition area, biometric exhibition area, sensor exhibition area, communication technology exhibition area, artificial intelligence smart retail exhibition area, big data, cloud computing and information security exhibition area, smart home exhibition area, smart parking and car networking exhibition area.

    Oath to AIOTE exhibition in accordance with the concept of marketization, specialization, internationalization to become a domestic first-class, international leading professional exhibition, become the national Internet of Things intelligent industrial policy promotion and implementation platform, the global Internet of Things industry exchange and cooperation platform and the global Internet of Things new technology, new products, new services promotion and display platform, attracting many outstanding enterprises and industry resources at home and abroad to China, investment in China, foster and expand Internet of Things technology, promote domestic leapfrog development.

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 2022北京物联网展  
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